Pet Logger Trial

by Wild Pet Farm



Application for farmed animals followed.

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######################## FRANCAIS #####Version dessai de lapplication "Pet Logger".Disponible pour les versions android 4.1 et plus.Cette application permet deffectuer le suivi délevage de ses animaux.Pour linstant lutilisation est réduite au suivi de reptiles.=> PAGE FACEBOOK :> TUTORIEL :> PERMISSIONS :Identité : Je prépare un module pour activités professionnelles. Pour leurs clients, ces professionnels peuvent remplir un formulaire de vente. Dans ce formulaire, vous devez écrire les informations de votre client (nom, adresse...), et pour gagner du temps, vous pouvez sauvegarder votre client en tant que contact et le retrouver automatiquement pour remplir le formulaire depuis votre carnet de contacts.Position : Dans les paramètres de lapplication, vous pouvez renseigner jusquà 3 vétérinaires (téléphone, email, adresse ou encore mieux coordonnées GPS). Dans ce cas, quand vous avez besoin de votre vétérinaire, directement depuis lapplication, vous pouvez lui envoyer un mail, lappeler ou initier un itinéraire Google Maps tout en sachant à quel distance de vous il se trouve.Téléphone : Comme spécifié précedemment, il est utilisé pour appeler un vétérinaire ou la personne à qui vous avez acheté une bête directement depuis lapplication.Photo/Multimédia/Fichiers : Lapplication embarque une base de données pour stocker vos données, il faut donc avoir accès à lespace de stockage.Appareil photo : Il est utilisé pour lire des QRCode.Execution au démarrage : Pour pouvoir lancer les services de notification au démarrage de lappareil.####################### ENGLISH #####Trial version of "Pet Logger" application.Available for android version from 4.1 to 5.1.This application help you in your pet breeding monitoring.For the moment, it is only for reptiles.=> FACEBOOK PAGE :> TUTORIAL :> PERMISSIONS :Identity : I prepare a module for professional activities. For their customers, theses professionals they can fill a selling form. In this form you must write your customer information (name, address...), so to save time you can save your customer as a phone contact and retrieve it automatically to fill the form from your phone contacts. Location : In your shared preferences you can set until 3 vets with their informations (phone number, email, address and even more its GPS coordinates). If you do, when you need your vet, directly from the app you will be able to email him, call him or initiate an itinerary to his office. You will also know the distance between you and him.Phone : As said before, it is used to call your vet or people who sold you a pet directly from the app. Photo/multimedia/files : The app use an embedded database to store your data, so I need a storage access.Camera : Used to read QRCode.Boot receive : To launch notification services on the device boot.######################## ##### FRENCHTrial version of the application "Pet Logger".Available for Android versions 4.1 and above.This application allows the livestock monitoring its animals.For now use is reduced to monitoring reptiles.=> FACEBOOK PAGE:> TUTORIAL:> PERMISSIONS:ID: I prepare a module for professional activities. For customers, these professionals can complete a sales form. In this form, youre writing the information of your customer (name, address ...), and to save time, you can save your customer as a contact and return automatically to complete the form from your book contacts.Position: In application settings, you can enter up to three veterinarians (phone, email, address or even better GPS coordinates). In this case, when you need your veterinarian, directly from the app, you can send an email, call or initiate a Google Maps route knowing at what distance from you it is.Phone: As stated previously, it is used to call a veterinarian or the person to whom you bought an animal directly from the application.Photo / Multimedia / Files: The app loads a database to store your data, so you have access to the storage space.Camera: It is used to read QRCode.Execution start: To start the Notification Services to start the unit.##################ENGLISH ##### #####Trial version of "Pet Logger" application.Available for Android Version from 4.1 to 5.1.This app help you in your pet breeding monitoring.For the moment, it is only for reptiles.=> FACEBOOK PAGE:> TUTORIAL:> PERMISSIONS:Identity: I prepare a unit for professional activities. For Their customers, professionals theses They Can fill a selling form. In this form you must write your customer information (name, address ...), so to save time you can save your customer have a touch phone and retrieve it automatically to fill the form from your phone contacts.Location: In your shared preferences you can set up to 3 vets With Their information (phone number, email, address and GPS coordinates ict-even more). If you do, When You need your vet, Directly from the app you will be ble to email _him_, call him or initiate an itinerary à son office. You will also know the distance entre you and him.Phone: Have Said before, it is used to call your vet or people Who sold you a pet Directly from the app.Photo / multimedia / files: The app uses an embedded database to store your data, so I need a storage access.Camera: Used to read QRCode.Boot receive: To launch notification services on the device boot.Ajout de filtres (taille / sexe) sur lécran de liste du cheptel.

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Très bien. bonjour aurait il une lapplication pour iPhone ou aura-t-il une prochainement ?

Steven Petton

This is just what I needed no more little black notebooks lol I am definitely purchasing the full app loving this trial version

Game Time

Really useful app, have been trying to use it to keep all my ball pythons info logged. Any possible way to change the language to English. Do you have any updates planed for the future. ?

Chris Butterworth